How a Company Should Handle Ransomware Attacks: Protecting Your Business and Data
Ransomware attacks are becoming increasingly common, with businesses of all sizes becoming targets. These attacks can cause significant disruption to your business operations and result in the loss of sensitive data. …
Why Businesses Should Take Ransomware Seriously
Ransomware has become a serious concern among businesses worldwide. With more and more attacks occurring each day, costing billions of dollars to the corporate industry, this threat is on rising and evolving quickly. The surge in growth of Ransomware can easily be attributed to how …
Understanding Ransomware and the Threats It Poses for Businesses
Ransomware is a type of malware that covertly installs itself on your computer, without your express knowledge or consent. It encrypts or takes control of the data on that device in an attempt to hold the files and information as hostage, until and unless you …
Protect your Data – and therefore your Business
For all businesses, big and small alike, data is a virtual goldmine. For small businesses in particular, it can prove to be the very lifeline of their existence, without which they may very well cease to function. So given the importance data holds to these …
How to Make Your Business Hacker-Proof
Here are some tips to make your business safe from the prying eyes of hackers. Making your business Hacker-proof Secure Your Business with Passwords This is one of the most important and simpler tips as the importance of password security cannot be denied. Don’t have …
How Safe Is Your Data?
As an entrepreneur, you have everything stored in your internal system as a means of security. Some of these data contain information valuable to your organization’s performance. They might also provide some useful information about your employees and the worst part, your client’s tasks. The …
Cyber Crime Prevention Tips
Don’t let the online bugs bite. While the Internet is used for socializing, shopping, seeking information, sales, and whatnot, the likelihood of users being victimized by cyber crime is high. Government impersonated emails from hackers, intimidation through various methods such as credit card theft, romance …