Would Your Business Technology Survive a Disaster
As a growing business, it is easy to get caught up in seemingly important things such as sales, marketing, and growth while losing track of what is actually important – the underlying technology. Sadly, disasters do not come with a warning. From power outages to …
Protect your Data – and therefore your Business
For all businesses, big and small alike, data is a virtual goldmine. For small businesses in particular, it can prove to be the very lifeline of their existence, without which they may very well cease to function. So given the importance data holds to these …
How Safe Is Your Data?
As an entrepreneur, you have everything stored in your internal system as a means of security. Some of these data contain information valuable to your organization’s performance. They might also provide some useful information about your employees and the worst part, your client’s tasks. The …
Business value of a backup disaster recovery plan
A backup and disaster recovery plan is something that every company should have. Whether you are in the Fortune 500 or just starting your business, you need to start having that conversation with your IT team, immediately. The pain and stress that comes from losing …