Protect your Data – and therefore your Business

Protect your data - omnipush

For all businesses, big and small alike, data is a virtual goldmine. For small businesses in particular, it can prove to be the very lifeline of their existence, without which they may very well cease to function. So given the importance data holds to these businesses, any loss or inappropriate use of or access to data can be a devastating, crippling blow.

That is the reason we at OmniPush work at various levels to ensure that when it comes to data conservation and data protection, you are completely at ease.

Over the years, we have noticed over and over again that when it comes to data protection and conservation, many businesses have adopted a callous strategy and then paid the price very dearly. For instance, they may not have had adequate data backup (a very costly mistake). Then they would try and make do without adequate virus protection only to end up compromising their data as well as their machines, again a very bad mistake.

So the key aspect to understand is that the importance of data, the value that it holds – to small businesses in particular and to all businesses in general, must never be undermined. We have seen time and time again, how businesses have thrived – and also collapsed, solely on the basis of data that they had.

As an instance, we have seen a lot of small businesses in and around New York City whose primary asset is the customer database list they have built over the years. This is a list of customers who have remained loyal to the business and accordingly kept it going. Now, if one were to compromise on such listings, one would effectively be compromising on the business itself.

That is the reason we constantly emphasize the importance of data protection.

Another aspect to be kept in mind would be the sheer competitiveness as is seen in the market these days. Take practically any industry and you will find that there are many businesses working in the same space. Often, these businesses are vying for the same set of customers and the differentiating factor is the customer profiles that they have among them. If these end up being compromised, clearly a lot will be lost and that is the reason, data protection becomes absolutely pivotal.

Keeping all these factors in mind, we at OmniPush have made data protection one of our key service areas. We understand the critical importance that data holds for businesses in and around New York City, especially the SMEs or Small and Medium Enterprises.

To them, we offer nothing short of a commitment that we would be able to ensure the protection of their data at all times. Your data will NOT be compromised in any way, and even if there has already been some transgression, we will do our best to overturn that.

So feel free to call us on 1-646-681-4848 for all your data protection needs.

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