Data Breach

4 ways to prevent data breach in Healthcare

[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]Data Breach is common and it can happen any time without any warning. Data breaches can not only cause to lose file but only cost millions to recover. In this article, we will discuss the 4 ways to prevent a data breaches in the healthcare sector. Let’s have a look at some of the ways to prevent data breaches.

1.      Encrypt all PHI related emails

HIPAA law requires all the PHI related emails to go in encrypted files. Any employee can send any sensitive information at the wrong email address but encrypting emails will prevent the recipient to open the email and access the Protected health information it contains. So, using encryption to send PHI related information would be very helpful.

2.      Always use a signed BA

If you are using a third-party vendor service that may get in contact with PHI, you must use a signed agreement with Business Associate or Business associate sub-contractor agreement. In any case, if your business associates or subcontractors are caught in breaching protected information and you don’t a signed agreement you can be also held liable for their mistakes. Therefore, it’s advisable to have signed a business agreement because it protects you from facing any consequences for their mistakes.

3.      Don’t use texting to transmit PHI

Texting is a very convenient method to transmit information but its secure enough to send any protected health information.  Accidently sending information through text is very easy and it can’t be encrypted like emails. Also, text message passes through several points of transmission so it’s better to avoid using text messages to send PHI.

4.      Train employees on avoiding phishing emails

Phishing is a very common method to get confidential data and use it against the company. Many times, employees become a victim of phishing emails and end up leaking the confidential information. Therefore, it is important to train employees to recognize the suspicious link and get aware of phishing emails.

More Reading: HIPAA Compliance and Security for healthcare medical offices

Know of a HIPAA breach? Follow this link to find out how to submit a Notice of a Breach to the HHS[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][stm_sidebar sidebar=”527″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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