The com.adobe.preview.loader extension could not be loaded because it was not properly signed.

Article sections

    1. Uninstall Photoshop CC <version number> using the uninstaller.
    2. After the Photoshop uninstall completes, make sure that the following folders have been deleted:
    • Windows
      • C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC <version number>\
      • C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC <version number>\Required\CEP\extensions\
      • C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Plug-Ins\CC\Generator\
    • Mac OS
      • MacHD/Applications/Adobe Photoshop CC <version number>/
      • MacHD/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/
      • MacHD/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Plug-ins/CC/Generator/

    If these folders or any subfolders are still present, manually delete them.

    3. Reinstall Photoshop CC <version number> using the Creative Cloud desktop application.

    in bugs

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